Cloud Computing Basics

There is a tectonic shift taking place in technology right now not unlike a 100 years ago when automobiles overtook the horse as the main means of transportation. It it is called cloud computing. This book is a guide to what that means and how organizations can approach it. It provides a practical introduction to the basics of cloud computing, including all five major cloud platforms. It does so by thoroughly explaining what the cloud is and by offering guidance for leveraging cloud technology across numerous implementations, so readers can identify optimal strategies for their organization.

The cloud is here to stay and companies and organizations of all sizes and industries that haven’t already will be switching to the cloud as the primary computing infrastructure in the future. Although the cloud may both be cheaper and safer than on-premise computing if done properly, the reverse may also hold true if not done properly.

Doing it right does not mean the same thing in all situations and for all organizations. Quite the contrary.  Successfully adopting the cloud may have very different consequences for different organizations. We therefore need to develop ways that take each organization’s characteristics into consideration in order to leverage the economic and security benefits that are in the cloud. 

What you’ll learn

  1. Understand what the cloud is and how it differs from traditional on-premise solutions.
  2. Gain a fundamental cloud vocabulary and learn how to translate between this and what the different vendors call it.
  3. Understand what the main components are and how they are used.
  4. Gain insight into the main vendors in the cloud market, their strengths and weaknesses and what to expect from them.
  5. Tailor the optimal cloud solution to the organizational context.
  6. Learn different approaches to cloud adoption and what contexts they are suitable for, so you can find out how your organization will get the most benefit from the cloud.

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