Author: Anders Lisdorf
From User Interface Design to Virtual Product Design
User interface design is very important for any company who has virtual products, but when more and more people access virtual products through more and more different user interfaces it becomes increasingly important to not design the entire virtual product. Not just the user interfaces. Not just the user interface I have been researching how…
Can Prediction Markets be Used to Prevent IT Projects From Failing?
Can the wisdom of crowds help improve the hit rate of IT projects? It is well known that many if not most large IT projects fail. It is also well known that they could have been saved if proper intervention had been undertaken at an earlier point. The question is just how to get an…
“Heat” – How to Train Your Decision Making
In one of the greatest gangster movies of all times,”Heat”, lies hidden deep wisdom for all decision makers big and small. It is not that you should change your business model and start robbing banks, hire Al Pacino or even that you have to grow a moustache and goatee to succeed. But our decision making…
The Hexagon Framework for Selecting the Right IT system
Companies are wasting millions of dollars every year on failed Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) system acquisitions. The symptoms are well known: budget overrun, missed dead lines, bad quality and bad client supplier relations. Even when the acquisition project in itself is a success there is no guarantee that the system will ever deliver the…